The Goodwin Group
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry

Latest News

  • 2024-07-24: Cameron's first paper (ChemRxiv here) has been accepted in the Journal of Organometallic Chemistry as part of their New Developments in Rare Earth Organometallic Chemistry issue. Congratulations to all involved!
  • 2024-07-23: Ben's first paper with the group is now live on ChemRxiv (here). This work features multiple new uranium-thiolate and borohydride complexes using a bulky meta-terphenyl ligand system.
  • 2024-07-17: The group celebrates Harry's graduation and congratulates him on the excellent grades!
  • 2024-07-03 to 07-13: Conrad travels to China as part of the University of Manchester delegation to the Tsinghua Xuetang Chemistry Program, and gives research talks at Tsinghua, Peking, and Zhengzhou Universities.
  • 2024-04–03: More work from Conrad's time at LANL has appeared in Journal of the American Chemical Society: "N-Heterocyclic Carbene to Actinide d-Based π-bonding Correlates with Observed Metal–Carbene Bond Length Shortening Versus Lanthanide Congeners". In collaboration with Nik Kaltsoyannis, we found that M–NHC π-bonding to actinides, but not lanthanides, in [M(C5Me5)2(I){C(NMeCMe)2}] complexes seems to drive substantial actinide bond length shortening versus lanthanide examples, even out to americium where "lanthanide-like" behaviour usually dominates.
  • 2024-04-01: We are pleased to announce that our recent vacancy for a PDRA position has been filled. More details to come, but we look forward to this excellent researcher joining the group.
  • 2024-03–13: We invite comments on our first ChemRxiv deposit: "δ-Bonding versus Electron Localization in Formally Divalent Rare Earth Complexes". This is Ross's first project, and the group's first foray into low oxidation state rare-earth chemistry. Check out rare examples of Sc(II), Y(II), and La(II).
  • 2024-02–01: Work from Conrad's time at LANL, led by Jesse and in collaboration with Steve Liddle at UoM has now appeared in Journal of the American Chemical Society: "Carbene Complexes of Plutonium: Structure, Bonding, and Divergent Reactivity to Lanthanide Analogs". Metal–carbon multiple bonding now extends up to plutonium, and excitingly, there are key differences in the reactivity of both these plutonium complexes and the previously reported neptunium analogues to their lanthanide counterparts. Organometallic transuranium chemistry continues to reveal the hidden properties of these elements!
  • 2024-01-05: The group is pleased to announce a PDRA (Postdoctoral Research Associate) vacancy. Please check UoM job pages for details at a later date, while the particulars of appointment can be found here. This position is fully funded for up to 3 years, subject to performance, and will begin in April 2024. Contact Conrad directly for an informal chat.
  • Archived News

We are The Goodwin Group in the Department of Chemistry The University of Manchester, and we are working to further our understanding of the f-block elements – lanthanides and actinides. We predominantly focus on non-aqueous chemistry to realise well-defined coordination geometries with which to stabilise highly reactive oxidation states and bonding motifs.

Goodwin Group in Feb. 2024; Goodwin and Liddle groups joint Christmas meal 2023 at "The Wishing Well"